何祖源,上海交通大学教授,研究方向为光传感和信号处理研究。1984年上海交通大学本科毕业,1987年获上海交通大学硕士学位。1999年获东京大学博士学位,留校任助教。2001年赴美国CIENA公司任主任工程师(Lead Engineer),光学测试技术研发组组长。2003年返东京大学任电气电子系讲师,2005年升任副教授,2010年升任教授。2003年起任日本文部科学省东京大学电气电子信息技术卓越中心(COE)秘书长。2011年任上海交通大学星河讲席教授。
担任日本应用物理学会(JSAP)“光波传感技术专业委员会(LST)”常任理事, 日本电子信息通信学会(IEICE)“光纤应用技术专业委员会(OFT)”常任理事。1988年获江苏省科学技术进步奖(二等),1989年获中国机械电子工业部科学技术进步奖(一等),1990年获中国国家科学技术进步奖(三等)。2006年10月获第18届光纤传感国际会议(OFS2006)最佳论文奖(Best Scored Paper Award)。申报/获得日本和国际发明专利18项。
DAS, the distributed acoustic sensor, is a fiber-optic device for distributed sensing of dynamic strain with high fidelity. It is an amazing technology suitable for long-range and large-area application in various areas, such as geoscience and geoengineering, oil and gas industry, structural health monitoring, and perimeter security. In this tutorial, sensing principles and positioning mechanisms involved in DAS systems are reviewed, and different DAS schemes compared. Two major challenges with conventional phase sensitive OTDR DAS systems, i.e., the trade-off between spatial resolution and sensing length and the dead-zone due to interference fading, are analyzed. High performance DAS technology based on pulse-compression and rotated-vector-summation algorithms is explained, which are newly developed to answer the above challenges. Then several application demonstrations in geophysical exploration, seismic measurement, and perimeter security are introduced. Finally, possible research and development trends are discussed.